Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I’ve never been good at writing. There’s always been a disconnect between my head and my fingers. It’s usually just that my head works much faster. By the time I’ve set down a thought, my brain is five steps ahead, and those last four didn’t make it to the paper. There is no flow, just a collection of jumbled sentences. But recently I’ve found a strength. Shorter sentences. Shorter thoughts. And I have release.

I read a lot. Long books, shorts stories, social media word-bites. I know what good writing looks like. I know what I WANT my writing to look like. But I’ve never been able to match it with my pen. Until now. I’m not saying I’m there. I’ve just had glimpses of “decent.” I see a possibility, which has been echoed in encouragement from friends. It will take me a while to satisfy myself. And honestly, with as high as my expectations are, I may never be wholly satisfied. But damnit, I’ll get better. I’ll write. I’ll edit. I’ll reflect. I’ll seek feedback. These are not my strengths, and I’m not confident them. But it’s damn fun to look down at a page and have your thoughts represented. So I’ll keep writing. I’ll write bad things and good things, and boring things. But I’ll get better, and maybe one day I’ll even consider myself a writer.

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